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  • Suite E58, Efab Mall, Area 11 Garki, Abuja, Nigeria

  • [email protected]

Who We Are

Obi Ogbonnia Sickle Cell Foundation

Welcome to the Obi Ogbonnia Sickle Cell Foundation (OOSCF), established in 2023 with a dedicated mission to provide steadfast medical support to those impacted by sickle cell disease. Committed to education, awareness, and advocating for systemic changes, we hold the vision of a Sickle Cell Free Nigeria. Registered in Nigeria with CAC/IT/NO: 7252201, OOSCF strives to shape a future where compassion and comprehensive care redefine health and well-being, envisioning a Nigeria liberated from the burdens of sickle cell disease. Join us in transforming the narrative towards a healthier and more vibrant society.

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happy Patients



Why Choose Us

Our Vision

We envision a Nigeria free from the burden of sickle cell disease, where compassion and comprehensive care redefine the narrative of health and well-being.

Our Mission

Obi Ogbonnia Sickle Cell Foundation is committed to providing unwavering medical support to individuals affected by sickle cell disease, promoting education and awareness, and advocating for systemic changes that lead to a Sickle Cell Free Nigeria.

MOTTO for the love of humanity TAGLINE "It's Sickle Cell Not Sickle Life"